Learn How Copywriting Affects Your Everyday Life

Not so long ago, I was like most people in that I didn’t know what copywriting was. When I heard the term I automatically assumed that it was referring to “copyright”. Although, copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work. So the idea of me writing copyright seemed extremely boring and it sounded like I would have to go to law school in order to do it. But I was completely wrong. 

Even though they sound the same, copyright and copywrite are two very different things. 


For one, copywriting is way more fun. The purpose of it is to entice potential or existing customers to make purchases. Something like marketing. When you read the description on an item that you’re thinking about purchasing, that’s copywriting. When you read an email from a company you’ve subscribed to, that’s copywriting. And when you watch an informational video about something you’d like to buy, that’s copywriting. 

When something is written in conversational english and psychologically designed to entice you, you don’t even realize you’re being marketed to. Good copywriters know you. They’ve studied you. They know how to use your emotions to compel you to make a purchase. 

The more I research copywriting, the more I realize how much it impacts my everyday life. 


So there’s one thing that’s been kind of a big deal for me in 2020 (Aside from all of the pressing political, cultural, and pandemic issues). For me, I had been pregnant for half of 2020. And due to my amazon and google searches, Facebook knew that. Therefore, their crafty copywriters sent everything my way that they thought a pregnant woman might want to buy. 

They showed me bands to prevent my back from hurting, maternity clothes, breastfeeding clothes, baby clothes, supplements to increase breastmilk supply, hands free breast pumps, waist trainers, you name it. So during the time I spent mostly self quarantined, I was buying up everything Facebook was offering. 

I downloaded apps to shop online. I ordered things from China, even though I’d heard they gave us the Corona. And I spent money that I probably should have been saving. So the question is, what made me make these purchases for things that I wasn’t looking for and barely even knew I wanted? Answer:

Pregnancy Band.jpg

High quality copywriting. 

Of course there were enticing visuals, but the cherries on top were the words. They said things like, “This will alleviate back pain due to pregnancy by supporting the lumbar and abdominal regions”.

That one sentence, combined with a photo of a happy pregnant woman compelled me to make a purchase. 

It connected with me on several different levels. For one thing, I was indeed pregnant and my back was indeed hurting. So I already had an issue that needed to be resolved. Second, they used scientific terminology that made me think they were smart and capable enough to make a product that would help me. Third, they showed me a picture of  a woman who was beautiful and comfortable. Two things I would desperately like to be during my pregnancy. 

Now that I have learned their game, it still doesn’t make a difference. I am still susceptible to high quality copywriting. I also have learned the full importance of it. Here are a few necessary responsibilities of copywriting;

  • Creating and maintaining brand awareness

  • Effectively communicating benefits and features

  • Explaining how making a purchase will enhance customers’ livelihood

  • Validating price points

  • Expressing a company’s qualifications

And this is just to name a few. At the end of the day, copywriting is nothing more than word marketing. Copywriting can exist in many forms. It can be;

  • Sales letters

  • Video sales letters

  • A blog

  • Click bait

  • Product/service descriptions

  • Email campaigns

  • Website landing page 

  • Newsletters

  • Ads

And the list goes on and on.

So now that you know of some examples of copywriting’s presence, you’ll be able to see how often you are influenced by it. You’ll understand why you purchase one item instead of the other when they offer the same benefits and features, but display different copywriting. You’ll also understand how powerful these writers are that have compelled you to spend your hard earned dollars. Also, you’ll realize that as a business owner, you NEED copywriting. And you need it to be really, really good so you can make a ton of dollars.

When you come to this mental conclusion, and decide that you don’t want to do the writing yourself, you’ll hear a voice whisper in your ear. It will say… Hush Girl Productions, Hush Girl Productions, Hush Girl Productions… very softly and very gently. 

As the owner, I am dedicated to supplying my clients with high quality… everything. Even if you’re not entirely sure what it is that your business needs, we can meet, in person or via video chat, and discuss how I can help. 

Remember, copywriting impacts SO many of your purchase decisions and it can make the difference between your wallet being full or empty. Whether you’re the purchaser or the seller, copywriting heavily impacts your daily life. 

Destiny MaconComment